If you’re ready to manifest a loving partnership into your life, below are 6 great ways to make your Man Crush Monday appear out of thin air…

 1. Live your life authentically and unapologetically.

Social media has created a false world of filters and carefully crafted personas without any flaws. So many men go through a painstaking process to visibly support everyone else in their life publicly except for themselves. Be bold in your quest of meaningful connections, and watch the people who begin to show up.

2. Love yourself.

Sounds easy enough right? Not so fast. We are who we are, and where we are due to a series of decisions we’ve made. Exes, dead end careers, and unhealthy living are all casualties of the war we wage against ourselves. Trying to introduce a partner into your world where there is no grace and compassion for yourself is a recipe for disaster. Nothing is sexier than self-love. Start from the inside and work your way out.

3. Be open to the idea of your MCM being in slightly different packaging than you imagined.

Every goal you’ve accomplished required you to be different. Whatever you can conceive of happening in your life always looks different from what you imagined. The same rule applies to people. What you need cannot be limited to the narrow expectations of your ego.

4. Decide who you’re going to be and live that way now.

There is no time like the present when it comes to transforming your life for the better. Be aware of what version of you it will take to meet a like-minded soul and be that person now!

5. Create the world your MCM would live in.

Design a world that would create the connections you desire. Often times the person we feel the most attraction toward may not be in the places we frequent the most. Don’t be afraid to go where you’ve never gone before to meet whom you never thought was possible.

6. Be your own MCM.

Require of yourself what do in others. Stop wasting time desiring who you may feel is not attainable. You’re pretty damn amazing!